The case studies may focus on the complete life cycle of unconventional plays, from exploration and appraisal to pilot tests and large-scale development. Once again, we look forward to offering you the opportunity to learn from experts in your field, grow your professional network, and discover the latest best practices in neurology, all in the comfort of your home. Since the data collected in the R&D program is confidential to the program sponsors for a period of 2-years, early results from HFTS-2 are just now becoming publicly available and will be the subject of the presentations in this session. We will continue to monitor the situation carefully and provide updates when available, Technologies That Deliver Bottom-Line Results, Quantifying, Mitigating and/or Overcoming Parent-Child effects, Case Studies Highlighting Optimizing Completion, Perforation, and Stimulation Strategies, Refracturing to Improve Performance and Economics, A focus on Key Unconventional Basins and their Development. URTeC 2021 Houston, Texas. * A skeleton indicating the type of data that will be available by the late-breaking abstract deadline must be submitted online by the regular abstract deadline 3 February 2021. Please plan ahead to allow for any internal approval processes or other potential causes for delay. New techniques to provide reliable forecasts will be explored in moving resources to reserves to production. 1–31 May 2021 … Submit Abstracts Here ET. A unique aspect of the test sites is the drilling of research wells dedicated to coring through the created hydraulic fractures thus directly measuring fracture locations, fracture quantity, proppant concentrations and other data. Abstracts accepted for the congress are subject to the “ EULAR Embargo rules ”. This theme will focus on various aspects of the new approaches in terms of measurement, analysis and interpretation of data during the entire lifecycle of reservoir and how it can help in reservoir performance management. URTeC 2020 Online is an exciting evolution of the world's flagship unconventional resources event. Geological Workflows and Recommendations for Data Acquisition Planning Across the E&P Lifecycle, How do you Access the Acreage and Running Room? It is expected that speakers in the Operator’s Forum are Operators or that the focus of the paper is on a summary of multiple Operators’ efforts. The objectives of the HFTS program are to diagnose and understand the hydraulic fracturing process for field development optimization in Unconventional Resources, minimize their environmental impacts by reducing the number of new wells required for effective resource recovery, and improve extraction economics to expand the economically viable resource at increasingly lower commodity prices. The abstract submission site is now CLOSED. Program presentations will be chosen from abstracts submitted on the following themes below. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any questions at The online Abstract Submission site linked from the Abstracts web page is available Monday, Oct. 19, 2020, 9am, U.S. Important Reminder: Abstracts submitted to PAS 2020 can be resubmitted if they have not been published in manuscript form prior to submission to PAS 2021. Analytical Considerations, Cross-Discipline Leveraging of Data Mining, Modeling, and Data Analytics, Sensors-cost-quality-quantity domain and value of information analysis, 'Big Data', Machine Learning Applications to Unconventional Reservoirs — Case Histories, Expectations and Realities, Performance Metrics — Cross-Discipline Measures of Success for Asset Teams, Integration of Numerical Models and Data Science in Reservoir Characterization, Role of Physics and Domain Knowledge in Machine Learning, AI and Big Data, Reservoir Production and Recovery Mechanisms, Flow and Phase Behavior for Tight Oil and Shale Oil/Shale Gas Reservoir Systems, Resolving Early-Time Well Performance in Unconventional Reservoirs, Reservoir Modeling for Unconventionals — Bringing Together Data, Disciplines, and Design, Shale Facilities and Artificial Lift Optimization, EGR (Enhanced Gas Recovery) Methods in Unconventionals, Surfactants and Nanofluids for EOR in Unconventionals, Flow Conformance and Sweep Efficiency Strategies, EUR and Performance Prediction: Decline Curve Analysis and Beyond, Reserves Implications: Guidelines and Considerations, Future of Production Forecasting: Data-Driven Models and Physics-Based Solutions, Type Well Profiles, early data estimates, and impacts of lifecycle updates, Well Spacing and Well Interference Impact, Production Diagnostics — Understanding the Big Picture on Production Forecasting, Case Studies — Impact of 2018 Update to Petroleum Resources Management System (PRMS), Novel Proppants, Low Environmental Impact Fluids and Additives, Nanostructured Material for Gas Separation and Corrosion Mitigation, Advanced Polymers for Oil-Water Separation, Down-Hole CO2 Separation and Sequestration, Innovative Technologies to Reduce Completions Costs, Integrated Diagnostic Workflows to Identify Fracture Geometry, New Methods for Subsurface Reservoir Characterization, Friction Reducers and other completion fluids, Going Global: Eurasia to Pacific Case Histories of Burgeoning Unconventional Plays, To Each Its Own: Regional Economic, Political and Environmental Constraints on Unconventional Resources Development, Best Practices of Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources: Integrated Geoscience and Engineering, Exploring Deep and Ultra-Deep Petroleum Systems: What We Know and Don’t Know in Deep Strata, Geothermal and Gas Hydrates: Exploitation Technology Sharing with Oil and Gas Industry, Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks: Application of Unconventional Strategies to Under-Exploited Conventional Plays, Delivering Value with Integrated Subsurface and Operational Workflows & Analytics, Economic Challenge of Water Sourcing, Recycling, and Disposal, Ensuring Long Term Performance and Value by Managing at the Well Head, Maximizing the Value, Predictability, Reliability and Productivity of Producing Fields, Value Creation Challenge - the Treadmill of Capital Investments to Keep Volumes High, Benchmarking Unconventional Plays and Players - Lessons Learned, Resources: Environmental Management, Mitigation and Sourcing Related to Air, Water, Soils, Endangered and Sensitive Species, Recycling and Disposal, Remediation and Underground Injection, Social Issues and Social License to Operate: Clean Energy, Energy Poverty Elimination, Development Planning, Climate Change Positions, Green Investments, Community Investment & Outreach, Regulatory Community: Federal, State and Local Agencies – Managing Roles, Expectations, and Relationships and Navigating a Dynamic Political Environment, Sustainable Workforce: Company Culture, Diversity, Education, Safety, Training, Job Development, Effective ESG Communications: Strategies for Changing Times, Role of carbon capture technology and policy in future ESG strategies, Establishing standardized ESG criteria for sustainability performance for the investment community and other stakeholders, Business Strategies in Operating during Volatile Commodities Pricing or in Response to a Pandemic, The Path Forward- Navigating in a Time of Limited Demand, Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site 2 (HFTS-2). During the submission process, you will be able to choose your preferred presentation format: Oral Presentation; Poster Presentation; Student Presentation; Abstract language and … If authors of accepted abstracts fail to provide a full manuscript or expanded abstract by the deadline of 4 June 2021, the organizers will remove the presentation from the program. Posters and papers will be presented in a virtual format for 2021. Building on strong fundamentals, this theme will focus on maximizing unconventional oil and gas productivity. May 19, 2021: Abstract withdrawal deadline. In today’s business climate, this should be the primary objective of any and all papers submitted to this theme. Submit Your Abstracts Now for URTeC 2021 Abstract submission deadline: 11 February 2021. Critical assessment and prediction of unconventional performance is driven by geological property understanding, uncertainty and integration with other subdisciplines. Submitting (contact) authors may log into the site to edit their abstract up until the abstract submission deadline. However, the need to maintain production volumes requires continuous drilling and constant production efficiency improvements. Drivers for Understanding Reservoir Quality and Completion Quality, Rock-Fluid and Fluid-Fluid Interactions – PVT data acquisition/analysis, Advances in Special Core Analysis and Core-Flood Testing, Petrophysical Property Modeling for Geocellular Modeling, Pore-Network Imaging and Fluid Flow Modeling, Pressure Transient Testing, DFIT, and Well Testing, Depositional Processes, Diagenesis and Facies, and Sequence Stratigraphy, Emerging Geological Evaluations, Tools and Workflows for Prospectivity Assessment, Unconventional Step-Outs: Ideas, Concepts, Tests and Results. ET, Monday, January 11, 2021. For more information about the BSG Annual Meeting 2021, please see here. ET, through Friday, Jan. 8, 2021, 11:59pm, U.S. Edits . Submission Deadline: Closed Call for Late-Breaking Abstracts More details to come. Sustainability in the oil and gas industry has become more critical than ever before. This theme focuses on new techniques and applications in appraising mudrock reservoirs. Application of Geological Tools to Unlock Added Value: Is There an Upside? The deadline for submitting a late-breaking abstract will be on February 4, 2021, at 5:00 PM Pacific Time and dispositions will be sent out by email on or around February 16, 2021. Data Acquisition through limited low demand events or Pandemic (Shut-in Surveillance during Production curtailments). The Operators’ Forum will focus on case studies that illustrate the integration of multiple disciplines, including geology, geophysics, geomechanics, completions engineering, and reservoir engineering, to evaluate complex datasets and improve asset value. Abstracts shall be in electronic format and previously unpublished work. There are currently two test sites in the program, both in the Permian Basin. In this theme, contributions should be focused towards the development, understanding, application and impacts of geochemistry to constraining our assessments (both predictive as well as lookbacks) of source rock/hybrid unconventionals. March 9, 2021 at 17:00 EST (U.S.): Abstract submission closes. Companies are facing constant pressure to deliver and grow production volumes in a cost-efficient manner. The purpose of this theme is to highlight these methods and case studies of their results. • URTeC follows the “no paper, no podium” policy. Useful links. The EGU General Assembly 2021 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. May 19, 2021: Late-breaking abstract submission opens. To get the most from these reservoirs, understanding reservoir flow dynamics, which better enable modeling tools to mimic these processes, and improved artificial lift and facility methods can improve recovery. The Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site (HFTS) Program is a research and development (R&D) partnership sponsored by the U.S Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory (DOE-NETL) and major and independent operator and service companies, managed by the Gas Technology Institute (GTI). Final data for placeholder abstracts are due Thursday, February 4, 2021. Application and Verification of Production Allocation Methodologies in Unconventional Reservoirs, Asking the Right Questions/What is My DRV: Improving the Nexus Between Engineering Field Observations and Geoscience, Distribution, Probable Causation and Prediction of H2S Occurrences in Unconventional Reservoirs, Understanding and Predicting Producible Fluids. This theme explores efforts to reduce the environmental footprint of all phases of development, develop meaningful relationships in the communities in which we live and work, and provide clean, affordable energy to power our world. Due to low primary recovery, enhanced recovery applications could present a significant opportunity for further asset exploitation. For the first time at ECR 2021, there will be one abstract type. HFTS-2, operated by Occidental, is in the Delaware Sub-Basin. Abstract submission for our upcoming Congress 2021 has been extended! The purpose of this theme is to provide an ample forum for geological expertise, in both breadth and depth, to be shared for opportunities and learnings across the oil and gas lifecycle. Why you should share your work: Submitting an abstract for AAIC, the world’s largest and most influential dementia research conference, could help you … Assessment of Source Rock Potential and Tools to Delineate Geochemical Properties, Proven and Potential Applications of Time-Lapse Geochemistry. Program presentations will be chosen from abstracts submitted on the following themes below. Late-breaking abstracts. June 2, 2021 at 17:00 EST (U.S.): Late-breaking abstract submission closes. Plan now to attend URTeC 2021, 26–28 July in Houston, Texas to connect on and discuss all things unconventional. Register Get Info Present a Paper Exhibit Sponsor. Due to the shift in the Annual Meeting dates, the abstract submission deadline has been extended to March 1, 2021 to ensure the most up-to-date science is presented at AUA2021. Please review the abstract guidelines prior to your submission. ET Submission Types Euro PM2021 Congress abstract deadline draws near January 13, 2021 The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) has issued a reminder that the deadline for abstract submissions for presentations at its Euro PM2021 Congress & Exhibition will close on January 20, 2021. The Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC) continues to be the best opportunity you'll have to exchange information, formulate strategic ideas and solve problems to manage and optimize your unconventional resource plays. A variety of logging tool responses and analytical methods can be used to evaluate the key rock property parameters leading to methods that can be applied to characterization, mapping, and well completion design and optimization in unconventional reservoirs. To submit an abstract for the 2021 Annual Meeting: Paper membership applications and payment must be received by ARVO by 5pm, EST, Monday, Jan. 4. We encourage multi-discipline team presentations to highlight strategies that have transformed the production potential from these reservoirs. Please upload your abstract by first creating your profile and using the abstract template on the abstract submission portal. The objective of this theme is to highlight the versatility of this integrative platform in solving the most pressing problems in unconventional reservoirs. Subscribe now to receive valuable updates, important dates and deadlines from URTeC, The URTeC 2021 Program Committee is planning for the eventuality of both in-person and online presentations in Houston in July. The deadline for clinical trials abstracts is 11:59 p.m. U.S. Online membership renewal or new member applications will be accepted online through Jan. 8 with your abstract submission. To help manage the selection and scheduling process, you will be asked to respond to a simple survey question and declare your availability to speak in Houston or online when you upload your abstract(s). Final versions must be submitted by Tuesday, 30 March April 2021 at 21:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time). Please download the submission guidelines for details and more information. Don’t miss out on a great opportunity to submit your abstract now for WOCNext 2021. ... Abstract Submission Deadline 01 May, 2021. The new deadline for electronic submission of your work is Monday 25 January 2021 | 23:59 CET. Monday Technical Presentations at URTeC Latin America Online 2020 - 16-18 November. Along with understating how to operate and plan forward during volatile commodities pricing and limited demand. Tips and Knowledge Sharing of Geological Subsurface Characterization, Geological Drivers Behind Stimulated and Drainage Rock Volume: Observations, Lessons Learned and Strategies for Assessment, What’s in Your Rock: Geological Integration that Impacted Go-Forward Business Decisions. A broad range of enhanced recovery applications will be discussed, presenting the latest information. The congress will be held on 25-29 July 2021 in Stockholm, Sweden. Geochemical Concepts and Applications to Characterization. In addition, a critical objective is to highlight the interaction with and integration into geological and engineering end products. All accepted abstracts will be published in Gut, which is an official journal of the British Society of Gastroenterology. Abstracts can be re-edited and modified until the submission deadline (31 January 2021, 23:59 CET). ; Aims & scope. Please download the submission guidelines for details and more information. The investment and capital expenditure to support the typical pad field development program can often outpace short-term free cash flow. Contributions to the theme should share knowledge, expertise and be focused on decision-making impact. The submission deadline is 31 January 2021. Call for Abstracts. 26 Jan 2021, 13:00 CET: Requests for townhall meetings: Deadline for upload of late abstracts: 27 Jan – 02 Feb 2021: PCI – Abstract Implementation & Session Tagging Session organization not finalized by conveners. Abstract submission for the Special Interest Group and Sub-Committee sessions Submission deadline – Midnight on Monday 8th February 2021. General abstract submission is now open for the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference ® 2021 (AAIC ®). Leveraging from all technical backgrounds and disciplines, URTeC is critical to you and your business by delivering the science, technology, and commercial opportunities on what’s working with our current business environment. All abstracts submitted by March 10, 2021 (23:59 CET) will be evaluated by a panel of reviewers. HFTS-1, operated by Laredo Petroleum, is located in the Midland Sub-Basin, and was the subject of an URTeC Invited Session in 2018. URTeC Management Committee and staff continue to work with the City of Houston to develop appropriate health and safety protocols to ensure and safe and enjoyable conference. Registration Now Open . 15 December 2020 – 11 February 2021 at 23:59 CET. ; vEGU21 FAQs; Registration is open. Geomechanics permeates different aspects of unconventional and conventional reservoir development including drilling, completions, and reservoir engineering by integrating mechanics, geology, geophysics, rock physics, and rock imaging to find solutions for economic production of resources. Please include institution, city, state/ province and country but exclude department, division, laboratory, etc. The TOXINS 2021 virtual conference will provide participants with important updates on the latest developments in the basic science and clinical applications of botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) including the management of spasticity in adults and pediatric patients as well as dystonias of the head and neck, limb dystonia, tremor and aesthetic medicine. MORE INFORMATION Energy Opportunities Mexico City, Mexico. Abstracts information for AUA2021 in Las Vegas, NV. 2021 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Abstract Submission Policies and Procedures Please read carefully All authors must follow the policies and procedures set forth by the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) in order for their abstract to be reviewed and considered for acceptance for This theme will explore how companies are shifting from a focus on volume growth to one of creating exceptional financial value via OPEX and CAPEX efficiency, integrated project planning, improving the supply-chain, and the application of novel technologies. The premier event focused on the latest science and technologies applied to exploration and development of unconventional resources. Communicating these efforts to the public and investment community and developing standards for stakeholders and a culture of sustainability within each company is key to ensuring long-term sustainability success. Conference Program, Exhibit Hall Technical Sessions, Directional Signage, Exhibit Hall Technical Sessions. Structural Geology as Applied in Unconventionals, From Source to Sink: Geological Processes and Focus on Driver to Organic Enrichment, What’s in a Core; Linking Workflows and Applications of Core Descriptions, High-Resolution Geophysical Acquisition, Processing, and Imaging, Predicting Rock Properties using Seismic Inversion, Quantifying Completions Efficiency using DTS & DAS, Quantifying Hydraulic Fracture Propagation using Microseismic Data, Integration of DTS/DAS with Microseismic and Seismic Data, Quantitative Imaging and Interpretation of Natural and Induced Fractures and their effect on production, New and Innovative Technologies in Reservoir Imaging and Characterization, Integrating Seismic Data with Multivariate Production Prediction, Hydraulic Fracturing: Monitoring, Modelling, and Analysis, Geomechanics in Well Design, Construction, and Drilling, Diagnostics and Monitoring with Geomechanical Models, Production Simulation, Forecasting and Optimization, Infill Drilling and Refracturing; Applications and Lessons Learned, Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing and Drawdown on Well Productivity, Analytical Advances in Applied Petroleum Geochemistry to Understand and Evaluate Unconventional Reservoirs, Defining Sweet Spots for Hydrocarbon Saturation and Fluid Mobility; Combining Petrophysics with Geochemical Methods, What’s in a Source Rock? Please note that an abstract processing charge ( APC ) of €40 gross per abstract is levied. ; Information for exhibitors now available. Register Get Info Present a Paper Exhibit Sponsor. Visit the Important Dates page for information about other important milestones for v CROI 2021. Last Call Abstract notifications will be emailed to presenting authors and coauthors in - mid-February. An opportunity to submit abstracts that contain novel data from all suitable experimental methods and study designs, which only became available after the first-round submission deadline in February 2021. Abstract submission fees and sponsorship regulations also apply to … High CO2 Fields Virtual Event. The 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC) will be held virtually on March 15–19, 2021. Clinical trials abstract submission opens December 18, 2020. While we may not be able to meet in person, you can still expect an exceptional experience to share your research, ask questions, and network with colleagues. The AUA2021 Abstract Submission site is now open. June 8, 2021: Abstract titles released (only confirmed participating abstract titles) July 2, 2021 at 09:00 EST (U.S.): Submission deadline – Midnight on Monday 11th January 2021. Abstract Submissions will open on 1st December and will close on 6th January, 2021. any abstract after the modification deadline of Sunday, January 10, 2021, 11:59pm ET. You have the chance to showcase your important research, present your results to your peers, and help advance the WOC nursing specialty. How Do You Approach Uncertainty and Risk Analysis: Sharing Experiences, Lessons Learned and Best Practices? Subsurface Conditions to Laboratory Conditions: Fluid Loss Quantification and Resolution. Institution information should be provided for all authors. Thank you to everyone that chose to submit! June 2021. Abstracts submitted to the GIFT workshop are exempted from the APC . Submission Open: Late-February Submission Deadline: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. Advancements or New Hypotheses in Understanding Mobile versus Immobile Fluid Properties. We also aim to highlight new advancements in emerging unconventional resources including gas hydrate, geothermal and ultra-deep resources, while showcasing how the unconventional strategies revolutionize under-exploited conventional resources. These breakthrough materials and technologies can be applied in any stage of the unconventional play’s life cycle, from exploration and appraisal to pilot tests and large-scale development to improve efficiency, reduce cost and create value. • If selected for presentation, your abstract will be published exactly as it was submitted. The program will feature more than 250 talks, panels and team presentations, online exhibitor resources and scheduled social events. In addition, we will also look at the acquisition, cost-quality pairings, and timing and frequency-redundancy of the data while highlighting the multi-scale nature of it. Abstract submission for the main meeting (including CPC and GIRFT sessions). The abstract submission deadline is Wednesday, 20 January 2021, 13:00 CET. With this situation in mind, the European Academy of Neurology has decided to go virtual again for the 7 th EAN Congress on June 19-22, 2021, originally to be held in Vienna. Key Submission Deadlines. This theme aims to promote global outstanding technologies, best practices of integrated unconventional geoscience and engineering, and lead to discussions on regional economic, political and environmental constraints on the development of unconventional resources. 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